B O U N D A R I E S = Your guide to ultimate health and wellness.
This topic gets to be talked about more. Are ready to up level your health, relationships, happiness and overall life?
Yes? Ok, beautiful, let's get started!
First of all, this is a deep and extensive topic, but I will share with you some key steps to get started.
In order to have true boundaries, you need to know what your personal values and needs are in certain areas of your life. By getting crystal clear on what you will and won't accept is imperative, by doing so and anchoring into your truth, it won't be so dramatic or fearful when a boundary gets to be set in your world or relationships. Over time, this skill and your communication will improve and become more refined.
Boundaries evolve, just like we do. Some areas of your life may have zero boundaries. Other areas could be rigid or flexible. By assessing where you are at now, creating boundaries that are aligned with your current beliefs/needs, you are creating a more sovereign energy field within which will ultimately serve you and those around you.
Ok take a deep breath and congratulate yourself for making it this far. You are about to take inventory on your life and make beautiful shifts. You got this!
🔸What interactions or triggers are coming up in your life? What areas are you feeling your energy get activated in a way that doesn't serve you or those around you?
Hint: are you going into Fight, Flight, or Freeze
🔸Review these areas of your life. What needs a tune up? What are your values and needs in these areas?
-Emotional (your emotional well-being)
-Spiritual/Intellectual (Your thoughts, beliefs, ideas)
-Physical (Your body and physical space)
-Sexual (Your sexual needs and safety)
-Financial (Money, belongings, and physical resources)
-Time (the use and misuse of your time)
Pick 3 areas to focus on for right now.
Example: If your time is needing a tune up, perhaps your action plan includes
1) Committing to using your planner daily
2) Setting alarms on your phone to keep your time in check
3) When meeting up with people communicating to them how much time you have
Above all else, be kind to yourself. Your boundary setting can teach others how we want to be treated. We learn by what is modelled to us. You never know how much your request for a boundary will teach others that they can do this for themselves to.
If you are needing assistance to gain strength and claiity around setting boundaries, this is something that I do with my clients. Together we practice communication techniques and I give you tools to gain perspective and clarity on topics that could be bringing discomfort in relationships. Boundaries are healing. They serve to bring you closer to people, healing for you and others or create space so that you both can thrive.
Click Here to read more about the mentorship program. Your voice and energy is your greatest asset.
With Love,
